Ashley Mondor

Are you ready for the life beyond your wildest dreams...

An understanding of the power of your heart and it's connection to manifesting all that you desire...

Navigating intense emotions in your life and learning to honor and hold your boundaries and standards...

Understanding your triggers and wounds so you become less reactive and more responsive from a loving and compassionate place...

Developing communication skills that empower you with clarity, depth, and connection...

Learning how your intuitive gifts present themselves so you're aware of where your heart and soul is guiding you...

Developing deeper levels of love, connection, and confidence within yourself...

Shifting your energy so you become an energetic match for miracles...

Learning to navigate fears and blocks when things feel hard...

Building a legacy and creating your impact on the world... 

And, so. much. more.

This is the alchemy of you, and through your heart-healing and transformation, your reality will reflect the magic of your internal world!

The 6-month journey to explore the fractals of you.

When you heal, your life mirrors the
love and magic of your heart.

Prism Private Mentorship

Prism Private Mentorship

You are a fractal of Creation.

A spark of pure white light born from Source, God, The Universe - The All That Is.

As a physical being, you are quite literally a prism that refracts that divine light out into a spectrum of the most beautiful, unique, mystical colors.

In essence, your existence brings magic to life.

Working with me is the invitation to explore your spiritual gifts as well as any of the subconscious beliefs distorting the pure heart and Soul information moving through you.

Your magic is calling ...

Heal, open, and unleash your heart!

With a focus on heart alignment and coherence, my private one-on-one mentorship weaves together my training in coaching, the nervous system, and Human Design blended with my education in Neuro-linguistic Programming and energetics to help you heal what holds you back while illuminating your innate soulful gifts.

My work is open-hearted, grounded, and expansive. Clients who experience the deepest shifts with me are willing to explore their own programming because they're ready to let go of the limiting, negative, or fear-based beliefs, thoughts, and ways of being keeping them from living and experiencing real magic.

During our deep work together, I'll help you see, discover, and own your divine gifts. And, I'm going to teach you how to decode the machine running 95% of your life as well as how to live in alignment with your heart and Soul. (This is how you LIVE out your purpose in this incarnation.)

Because when your internal world shifts, your reality will mirror your magic.

My work is about diving deep into you through intuitive-led guidance and enriching conversation. If you're looking for someone who can see into your subconscious mind with precision, who believes in empowering you for life, and whose heart is warm, honest, and perceptive while offering a grounded and spacious approach - we may just be an energetic match for working together privately.

Your magic is calling ...

Heal, open, and unleash your heart!

Working with me includes:

Intuitive-led guidance // helping you move t

Human Design // helping you understand how your energy is designed to function and how you can create your most aligned opportunities

Coaching and intuitive guidance // helping you see blind spots, find clarity and brainstorm plans of action (all done in alignment with your design)

Energy and nervous system support // Supporting the incredible technology that is your body, release tension, increase your capacity for ease and tap into your most extraordinary and expansive state

Your magic is calling ...

Heal, open, and unleash your heart!

My style of mentorship is for you if:

  • You're ready to shift the subconscious beliefs keeping you from experiencing what you dream of in your life.
  • You're interested in being seen deeply in order to move through your limiting beliefs and disempowering stories.
  • You're ready to be MORE of who you really are and to move through the world with confidence and unshakable self-belief.
  • You crave harnessing your gifts and owning your co-creative life force to experience more love, joy, prosperity, and pleasure.
  • You’re seeking a tailored approach to mentorship and you recognize me as a source of wisdom and trusted guide.
  • You understand that the depth of this work needs time and spaciousness in order to integrate your subconscious shifts.
  • You desire depth, expansion, and refining your skillset so you're empowered for life.
  • You're invested in self-growth, personal development, and you're open to playing in realms unknown.
  • You understand that energy frequency is the Truth of your nature and you're ready to live in heart-led alignment.
  • You're innately curious, open-hearted, and you're ready to explore what distorts the purity of information flowing through you.

Your magic is calling ...

Heal, open, and unleash your heart!

Prism: 6-month private mentorship experience

This offering is my most intimate and the highest level of support I can bring to you. I only work with 2-3 people in this way at a time because of the focus and depth of our work together. This offering includes 1 private 60-min. call with me per month for 6-months, as well as Telegram access to me Monday to Thursday for support in between calls. 

Prism may be a fit for you if:

  • You've invested in your personal development but you know you need to go deeper.
  • You are an established business owner or CEO who is tired of efforting for minimal results 
  • You are done with the one-size-fits-all and the status quo and are ready to create your most unreasonable and extraordinary life
  • You are ready to work smarter, not harder and refine your processes to what is essential for you
  • You are looking to harness Human Design and Astrology in your workplace to better support your team and the people around you
  • You want to flourish and thrive rather than continually feel like you have to force, push and hustle
  • You are looking for a deep, rich experience that leads to sustainable success rather than a quick fix
  • You are looking for holistic coaching and support that takes into account your body, nervous system and energetic capacity
  • You are open to energetic, somatic and nervous system exploration and receiving support in this way while we are working together
  • You want to increase your capacity for navigating stress and discomfort 
  • You are not in a state of financial survival and have the spaciousness to go deep with this work without urgency

This offer is not a fit for you if: 

  • You are just starting out in business and haven’t established a reliable stream of income (my flexible sessions may be a better fit for you!)
  • You are at the beginning stages of entrepreneurship and are unsure of what you want to do (my flexible sessions may be a better fit for you!)
  • You are in any kind of final stress 

Price: $10k for 6-month private mentorship. Payment plans can be arranged if requested. 

Your magic is calling ...

Heal, open, and unleash your heart!

Prism private mentorship spots are limited as I only work with 2-3 people in this way as of right now.
To apply, please fill out the application questions I have for you and "book in" a slot on my calendar.

Note: We won't be meeting at that time, it's simply for me to receive your application responses.

Submit your application:

Apply now

Your magic is calling ...

Heal, open, and unleash your heart!

What clients have shared:

"When we started working together, I was definitely in a "drought." I had tried so many different things to get myself back in alignment and was tired of nothing working! This summer, I wrote out an intention of wanting "someone who could lift me up personally, professionally, and spiritually." Literally, the next day, you posted about your mentorship program and I knew it was meant to be. 

I literally don't recognize who I was before we started working together. I am so much more aligned AND confident in my alignment. I know and TRUST my intuition. Oh my God, in our first session you revealed to me how little I was trusting my self/intuition and if that was our only session together it would've been worth every penny of the full coaching agreement. Luckily, I got to spend more time with you after that! :)

I developed such a deep sense of trust in myself that it only takes but a few moments for me to reconnect to what is best for me (rather than seeking external information for confidence, decision making, etc). Plus, as my energy shifted, I manifested the perfect job that is SO much more in alignment with my skills, talents, and where I want to grow.

Ashley - you are so magnificent. I am SO THANKFUL to have you in my life and to have had you as my coach. I know that I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul. I literally can hear you in my head as different things come up, and I love that your energy and support are evergreen presences in my life. Also, I think I've told you this before but you are seriously an amazing cheerleader and always made me feel so proud and supported. You are a phenomenal coach!"
- Kelsey E., Minnesota

I literally don't recognize who I was before we started working together. I am so much more aligned AND confident in my alignment. I know and TRUST my intuition.

Oh my God, in our first session you revealed to me how little I was trusting my self/intuition and if that was our only session together it would've been worth every penny of the full coaching agreement. Luckily, I got to spend more time with you after that! :)

I developed such a deep sense of trust in myself that it only takes but a few moments for me to reconnect to what is best for me (rather than seeking external information for confidence, decision making, etc). Plus, as my energy shifted, I manifested the perfect job that is SO much more in alignment with my skills, talents, and where I want to grow.

Ashley - you are so magnificent. I am SO THANKFUL to have you in my life and to have had you as my coach. I know that I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

I literally can hear you in my head as different things come up, and I love that your energy and support are evergreen presences in my life. Also, I think I've told you this before but you are seriously an amazing cheerleader and always made me feel so proud and supported. You are a phenomenal coach!


I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

Kelsey E., Minnesota, U.S.A.


I literally don't recognize who I was before we started working together. I am so much more aligned AND confident in my alignment. I know and TRUST my intuition.

Oh my God, in our first session you revealed to me how little I was trusting my self/intuition and if that was our only session together it would've been worth every penny of the full coaching agreement. Luckily, I got to spend more time with you after that! :)

I developed such a deep sense of trust in myself that it only takes but a few moments for me to reconnect to what is best for me (rather than seeking external information for confidence, decision making, etc). Plus, as my energy shifted, I manifested the perfect job that is SO much more in alignment with my skills, talents, and where I want to grow.

Ashley - you are so magnificent. I am SO THANKFUL to have you in my life and to have had you as my coach. I know that I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

I literally can hear you in my head as different things come up, and I love that your energy and support are evergreen presences in my life. Also, I think I've told you this before but you are seriously an amazing cheerleader and always made me feel so proud and supported. You are a phenomenal coach!


I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

Kelsey E., Minnesota, U.S.A.



"I definitely would not have asked for double the salary if it wasn't for Ashley and her helping me through that mindset.

She's helped remind me of myself and build that self-image back. So, when I got that call, there's no way I would have ever entertained that, had I not been working with Ashley. And, I definitely would not have asked for that salary that I asked for if it not for Ashley and her helping me through that mindset about the money part of it... When you get out of what you dread and you move into what you love to do, you feel like a badass!" - Garrett M., Kentucky

I literally don't recognize who I was before we started working together. I am so much more aligned AND confident in my alignment. I know and TRUST my intuition.

Oh my God, in our first session you revealed to me how little I was trusting my self/intuition and if that was our only session together it would've been worth every penny of the full coaching agreement. Luckily, I got to spend more time with you after that! :)

I developed such a deep sense of trust in myself that it only takes but a few moments for me to reconnect to what is best for me (rather than seeking external information for confidence, decision making, etc). Plus, as my energy shifted, I manifested the perfect job that is SO much more in alignment with my skills, talents, and where I want to grow.

Ashley - you are so magnificent. I am SO THANKFUL to have you in my life and to have had you as my coach. I know that I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

I literally can hear you in my head as different things come up, and I love that your energy and support are evergreen presences in my life. Also, I think I've told you this before but you are seriously an amazing cheerleader and always made me feel so proud and supported. You are a phenomenal coach!


I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

Kelsey E., Minnesota, U.S.A.



"You changed my life. And, that is such a statement that people say, but in every sense of the word, as profound as that could be - it's so true. I did not know this was possible for me. I did not think in this way at all. I did not know the people that I knew, I did not see this version of myself, it was totally and completely closed off for me.

You changed how I saw myself, which changed the questions I asked myself, which changed the decisions that I made, which changed the lens for the whole year. It's unbelievable! 

I could have never done it without you. I could have never even saw the possibilities without you. And, that is for the rest of my life, I'm eternally grateful to you. You opened up a whole new world for me.

That's what's so cool! This is your work. You change people's life. You open and hold the space for them to see themselves differently. You hold them... And, this is why I never want to stop working with you, you see this version of me that I'm working towards that I may not be at yet, and just taking the steps to get to it.

If everyone had someone in their life who holds that vision for them, it's so powerful.

I love you, and I'm so grateful. It's so fucking cool to look back at the year... Just looking back at that January was the catalyst for just walking through the trust, and the self-doubt, and like... OMG I can channel!" - Kaila R., Minnesota

I literally don't recognize who I was before we started working together. I am so much more aligned AND confident in my alignment. I know and TRUST my intuition.

Oh my God, in our first session you revealed to me how little I was trusting my self/intuition and if that was our only session together it would've been worth every penny of the full coaching agreement. Luckily, I got to spend more time with you after that! :)

I developed such a deep sense of trust in myself that it only takes but a few moments for me to reconnect to what is best for me (rather than seeking external information for confidence, decision making, etc). Plus, as my energy shifted, I manifested the perfect job that is SO much more in alignment with my skills, talents, and where I want to grow.

Ashley - you are so magnificent. I am SO THANKFUL to have you in my life and to have had you as my coach. I know that I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

I literally can hear you in my head as different things come up, and I love that your energy and support are evergreen presences in my life. Also, I think I've told you this before but you are seriously an amazing cheerleader and always made me feel so proud and supported. You are a phenomenal coach!


I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

Kelsey E., Minnesota, U.S.A.



"I knew that Ashley was the one that would help me to just really hone in on my truth, on what I wanted to share with the world, and weave that into my business. When I started working with her in a 1:1 capacity, I had just started launching my first-ever group program, and this group program generated five figures for my first-ever launch! Ashley really helped me to get into that mindset of letting go and releasing expectations and outcomes. 

We worked together for five-months, and she has been with me throughout so many transitions within my business! I launched my second round of the program, and I had sold out of that, and she also helped me to really come home to my truth, to my skills, to my higher self, and allowed me the capacity to really dive deep into my soul to figure out what I wanted my life, my legacy to look like, to be like, and through my work with her, I felt called to open up my own certification program which I am doing right now! So, it really feels like a full circle!

Working with Ashley, I can describe it as it just feels like a coming home, and I think that is so beautiful, and she is such a wonderful, caring, beautiful light, and beautiful soul... I highly recommend working with Ashley! She will not only transform your perspective, your life, if you are working towards a goal whether it is wanting to start a business, to grow your business, to change your career, she is the one to work with because she will help illuminate your path home, will help illuminate your heart, and help you heal things in your heart and in your soul that needs repairing so that you can show up as your most powerful, most authentic self.

That is what Ashley really helped me to do, and I've really stepped into that identity of a leader, of a soulful leader that I've been wanting to show up as. And, really it was such a transformative experience, and I have so many good things to say about Ashley, and I'm sure I will work with her again in the future!" - Lauren H., Ontario

I literally don't recognize who I was before we started working together. I am so much more aligned AND confident in my alignment. I know and TRUST my intuition.

Oh my God, in our first session you revealed to me how little I was trusting my self/intuition and if that was our only session together it would've been worth every penny of the full coaching agreement. Luckily, I got to spend more time with you after that! :)

I developed such a deep sense of trust in myself that it only takes but a few moments for me to reconnect to what is best for me (rather than seeking external information for confidence, decision making, etc). Plus, as my energy shifted, I manifested the perfect job that is SO much more in alignment with my skills, talents, and where I want to grow.

Ashley - you are so magnificent. I am SO THANKFUL to have you in my life and to have had you as my coach. I know that I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

I literally can hear you in my head as different things come up, and I love that your energy and support are evergreen presences in my life. Also, I think I've told you this before but you are seriously an amazing cheerleader and always made me feel so proud and supported. You are a phenomenal coach!


I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

Kelsey E., Minnesota, U.S.A.



"I’ve learned so, so, so many things… I’ve gotten a lot more organized. I’m a very spontaneous person where I’m just going to have this offer and I’m going to launch it. But, you’ve helped me streamline things and think, “Is this really what I want? How do I want to do it best?” You’ve brought me more magic for sure. Working with you has made me feel like magic really is real, because I used to see your Instagram stories way back when and you being so happy and magical and I’m like, “I need more of her in my life!” And then now I have you as my coach! It’s been really, really good, I’d say. Your support has been incredible. You’re such a big cheerleader, your voice notes are EVERYTHING. So Good!

One of the biggest things I learned from you is switching my money mindset. I went from, “It’s hard to make money. This is crazy! To Learn your worth. You’re worth way more. Stand in your worth.” Without that, I don’t know how I would have grown this much especially with you being from a different country and knowing that over here so much is based on the states, based on the exchange rate, and based on cheaper things. And over there, people are actually paying this much and doing these things.

You’ve showed me how to merge the two worlds, which is amazing, because right now, my target is not only the Philippines, which it would have been, but it’s everybody and everywhere. Whoever needs help, I’m here. And for that I’m grateful because you’ve helped me so much! You’re amazing. Your energy is amazing and super supportive. You are an incredible, incredible coach. You’ve really, really, really brought out a different side of me, and I’m so grateful because now I feel like I can do anything in the world, and back then I felt very limited. I thought I could only make money through tangible things before I started talking to you.

Your energy is expansive. I love how you give and how you show up even for people who are not in your programs. You’re still messaging people, supporting people, and still loving people! - Karina S., Philippines

I literally don't recognize who I was before we started working together. I am so much more aligned AND confident in my alignment. I know and TRUST my intuition.

Oh my God, in our first session you revealed to me how little I was trusting my self/intuition and if that was our only session together it would've been worth every penny of the full coaching agreement. Luckily, I got to spend more time with you after that! :)

I developed such a deep sense of trust in myself that it only takes but a few moments for me to reconnect to what is best for me (rather than seeking external information for confidence, decision making, etc). Plus, as my energy shifted, I manifested the perfect job that is SO much more in alignment with my skills, talents, and where I want to grow.

Ashley - you are so magnificent. I am SO THANKFUL to have you in my life and to have had you as my coach. I know that I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

I literally can hear you in my head as different things come up, and I love that your energy and support are evergreen presences in my life. Also, I think I've told you this before but you are seriously an amazing cheerleader and always made me feel so proud and supported. You are a phenomenal coach!


I will look back on our time together and know that this is when everything changed for the better in my heart, mind, and soul.

Kelsey E., Minnesota, U.S.A.



"Here is what I know for sure, the dream, the goal, or feeling you are pursuing will simultaneously require you to heal along the way. Healing has been the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Ashley held my hand, cheered me on, and mirrored what was possible for me every step of the way.

As humans, we are wired for connection, and collaborating with Ashley in her program was exactly what I needed to expand into the version of me who unapologetically pursues her goals and lives in accordance with her true nature.

As a result of our time together, I left a toxic job, manifested a more aligned job with where my heart is guiding me on my soul path, and I called in my dream home that will be the catalyst, container, and foundation for my journey to creating the life of my dreams!

If you are thinking of partnering with Ashley, buckle up - it is a wild ride that will make you feel more alive than ever!" 
- Bridget S., Minnesota


I'm ready now! How do I sign up?
Please fill out the questions I have for you on Calendly. This helps me connect to your energy, your subconscious beliefs and blocks, as well as what your heart desire experiencing in your life.

Will our monthly 60-min sessions be recorded?
Yes! I'll send you the link to download via email. Note: I do not keep the video files on-hand, so please snap them up as soon as possible. 

What happens if I have to miss a scheduled session?
It’s no problem if you need to reschedule a session, but I need to know at least 24 hours in advance. If you miss a session and I wasn't notified 24 hours in advance, the session is forfeited. And, due to the nature of work, all sales are final and no refunds are permitted. 

Are there payment plans available?
Yes. I offer monthly payment plans. Please ask me. :)

Who is the Prism for?
This program is for you if you feel genuinely excited about the thought of healing your heart, gaining clarity on your heart's desires, and you feel ready to make the life of your wildest dreams a reality.

I've worked with people from all walks of life from launching or growing a business to loving their corporate career. People who are single, happy in their marriage, just starting or in the process of going through a divorce, etc. Your current reality isn't a reflection of possibility or your infinite potential. This is why private mentorship is so powerful because the healing and guidance is tailored specifically to your heart and Soul.

The beautiful thing about who works with me is we're an energetic match for magic and miracles because of the deep level of healing I guide you through. If this feels like a spark to your heart, that's a sign from your soul. Let's connect to see if we're a match for this transformational program! 

I'm ready now! How do I sign up?
Please fill out the questions I have for you on Calendly. This helps me connect to your energy, your subconscious beliefs and blocks, as well as what your heart desire experiencing in your life.

Will our monthly 60-min sessions be recorded?
Yes! I'll send you the link to download via email. Note: I do not keep the video files on-hand, so please snap them up as soon as possible. 

What happens if I have to miss a scheduled session?
It’s no problem if you need to reschedule a session, but I need to know at least 24 hours in advance. If you miss a session and I wasn't notified 24 hours in advance, the session is forfeited. And, due to the nature of work, all sales are final and no refunds are permitted. 

Are there payment plans available?
Yes. I offer monthly payment plans. Please ask me. :)

Who is the Alchemy of You for?
This program is for you if you feel genuinely excited about the thought of healing your heart, gaining clarity on your heart's desires, and you feel ready to make the life of your wildest dreams a reality.

I've worked with people from all walks of life from launching or growing a business to loving their corporate career. People who are single, happy in their marriage, just starting or in the process of going through a divorce, etc. Your current reality isn't a reflection of possibility or your infinite potential. This is why private mentorship is so powerful because the healing and guidance is tailored specifically to your heart and Soul.

The beautiful thing about who works with me is we're an energetic match for magic and miracles because of the deep level of healing I guide you through. If this feels like a spark to your heart, that's a sign from your soul. Let's connect to see if we're a match for this transformational program! 

Frequently asked questions


*All sessions are subject to interpretation and not a substitute or replacement for any professional health services, diagnosis, or treatment. Ashley Mondor will not be held responsible for any interpretations made or actions taken based upon your sessions. 

**Due to the nature of work, all sales are final and no refunds are permitted.

*** The intent of any coaching, courses, masterclasses, or masterminds is not financial, advice, Ashley Mondor is not a financial advisor, doctor, therapist, nutritionist, psychologist, or psychotherapist. 

**** Ashley Mondor cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs. masterminds, masterclasses or courses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies.

You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of the Ashley Mondor brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of her programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others.

There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.

**** **** The intent of any coaching, courses, masterclasses, or masterminds is not financial, advice, Ashley Mondor is not a financial advisor, doctor, therapist, nutritionist, psychologist, or psychotherapist. 

***** Ashley Mondor cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs. masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies.

You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of the Ashley Mondor brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of her programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others.

There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.


The most important skill of your lifetime is learning how to
follow your heart. I'm so excited for you!
If you've made it all the way down to here, chances are you're curious, my friend. Follow your heart. It knows what you're seeking.
 ©2019-2024 Ashley Mondor
Design by TONIC  |  Images provided by Taylor Lauren Photography  |  Legal, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer
*Results cannot be guaranteed, moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only and your own personal
experience may differ to those shown on this site.
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